2000s Fashion Is Back: Here Are 30 Iconic Runway Looks to Get Inspired

For those who think y2k fashion was all bad, these iconic 2000s runway looks prove otherwise.


Didn’t you hear? 2000s fashion is back… when it comes to certain trends, anyway. You may be thinking, “oh god, please no,” but truth be told, it was inevitable.

This is largely due to what’s called the “20-year rule” in fashion—which is actually less a rule and more a reflection on human behavior. The 20-year rule states that a given fashion trend will go from loved, to hated, to viewed indifferently, to loved again over the course of 20 years. In short, it suggests that fashion trends tend to resurface on a 20-year basis.

Indeed, in the 2010s, we saw a resurgence of trends from the 90s, and since the 90s pulled from the 70s and the 70s pulled from the 50s, we saw bits and pieces of those, too (think: chokers, fringe, and ballet flats).

Of course, the 20-year rule is not an exact measure. As Thread magazine stylist Luke McDonald reminds us, “we don’t progress in a linear way, we zigzag.” We’re constantly reacting to the current cultural norms, seeking newness and change. And thanks to the unpredictable and global nature of social media, too, as well as the push to thrift shop and upcycle old trends, we’re likely going to start seeing more of a mishmash of decade inspiration than ever before.

Certainly, the industry doesn’t pull entire looks from a particular decade either, but instead, grabs specific pieces that will transform well into modern markets. The keyword there is “transform:” pieces are reinvented and redesigned based on our modern technology and definition of what makes a flattering silhouette. So, rest assured, not all trends from the 2000s will come back, just the better ones—and they’ll be made to fit into our culture and styles today.

As a reminder that 2000s trends weren’t all bad, and to get some inspiration on what’s to come, I wanted to take a peek at the better looks from the 2000s runways—iconic, even. From the runways of Versace to Chanel, let this serve as a visual guide on how we can incorporate the trends of the past—and soon-to-be future—into our current wardrobes.

30 iconic 2000s runway looks

Well, are you happy 2000s fashion is back? Is there an iconic runway look I missed? Let me know below (:


*I don’t own any of the images. source attributions are on the photo captions.

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